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Herb Plant, Lovage


Height: 4 to 6 feet

Spread: 24 to 30 inches 

Full sun

Hardiness Zone: 5 to 8 

Uses: Culinary, Medicinal and Ornamental, can be used fresh or dried. (research all plants before use) One Seed One Plant does not condone or endorse the use of this plant medicinally.  Any one planning to use it for medical purposes should check with a physician first.

The leaves and stalks are used for celery-like flavor in main dishes and soups. The seeds can be used in salads, breads and cheese. The flavor of lovage is reminiscent of anise and celery. This plant is grown in a 2.5" pot. All vegetable and herb plants are grown using organic methods. 

Plants are available for local delivery or pick up at Rooted For Good Kirkland (formerly Walnut Grove Vocational Farm) located at 33600 Pearl Street Kirkland, IL 60146. Plants will be ready in May for pick up or delivery. 

Photo courtesy of Hoffie Nursery Inc.