Pepper Plant, Carolina Reaper
Scoville Scale: 1,569,300
Days to Maturity: 70 to 90 days
The current Guinness World Record holder for hottest pepper measuring over 1.5 million on the Scoville Heat Unit Scale. The pepper was developed by Ed Currie of Rock Hill, South Carolina. The flavor of the pepper is said to be fruity, sweet, with a hint of cinnamon and chocolate undertones. The fruit has a rough surface with a long stinger and matures to a bright red. Extremely hot! Use extreme caution when handling and eating this pepper. Plants are grown in 2.5” pots. All vegetable and herb plants are grown using organic methods.
Plants are available for local delivery or pick up at Rooted For Good Kirkland (formerly Walnut Grove Vocational Farm) located at 33600 Pearl Street Kirkland, IL 60146. Plants will be ready in May for pick up or delivery.