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Genoa Garden Plots - Rent

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The Genoa garden plots are located between Genoa and Sycamore Street behind the Corner Grill. The plots have water access plus a storage shed with hand tools to use. Gardeners are welcome to add trellises, decorations and temporary supports to encourage vertical growth or keep trailing vines off the ground. Children with adult supervision are encouraged to join in planting and tending the garden plots. Please choose which plot number you would like when you place your order. 

Rental Rules

Garden Care & Maintenance

  • All rental gardeners are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their garden rental plot(S). Watering, weeding, harvesting and any other garden-related tasks are the sole responsibility of each gardener.  

  • Be mindful that this is a shared space. When your garden plot(s) become overgrown with weeds, it makes it more difficult for your fellow gardeners to maintain their garden plot(s).

  • Garden plot(s) should be cared for at least once a week. Weeds should not exceed 12 inches in height.
    (It is your responsibility to contact DCCG if you are unable to care for your garden plot(s) in any given week. Any garden plot that remains unattended for more than three weeks, is subject to reassignment by DCCG.)

  • When watering your garden plot(s), never leave community garden property with a hose attached to the community pump. You may arrange for fellow gardeners to water your garden plot(s), when you are unable. 

  • All rental gardeners may harvest vegetables and flowers only from their own garden(s).

  • By December 1, 2024, all rental gardeners are responsible for clearing their plot(s) of all plant material and leaving the garden rental plot(s) as it was found in the spring. (Failure to clear your rental garden plot(s), will incur a $50.00 fee for DCCG to complete this task.)

  • Children are welcome in the community gardens. All rental gardeners must ensure children are accompanied by an adult and supervised at all times.  


Previous garden renters have until March 15th to contact the garden coordinator to rent their previous plot(s). After March 15th plots are open for others to rent. Garden plot rental fees are due in full by May 1, 2024.